
The Letter ‘G’ – ‘G’ is for goldfish. I love goldfish, particularly fancy goldfish… you now those nice plump, pretty coloured ones with the long fan tails. They always remind me of a dream – as if they’re suspended in mid-air or something. I love dreams and I love goldfish. The thing is I haven’t had much luck with keeping them alive. Goldfish keepers keep telling me that I need a big tank but I’m so charmed by the quaint idea of a round goldfish bowl with one goldfish right here on my desk to keep me company while I write. Hopefully Ms. Chloe won’t get too jealous. Every time we walk by the pet store I almost always have to go inside to look wistfully at the goldfish. Hubbykins sort of rolls his eyes with a look of amusement mixed with, ‘are we doing this again?’ Then I buy the goldfish anyway, take it home and hope and pray that it stays alive. They don’t and I have a little heartbreak and Hubbykins gives me the same look again, only this time there’s some sympathy mixed in. ‘Perhaps next time,’ he says, and the little hope stirs in my heart again…

My other ‘G”s – I remembered them last night! Hmm…I’ll have to get back to this.