Just a quick note to let you know that my blog has moved and you can find it at the link below:


Lots of Love,


I breathe a gentle sigh of sweet relief today. The blends are done, the labels printed and finally, My Etsy Store is stocked. Not fully, but stocked none the less. Forgive this moment of shameless self-patting on the back – but I’m so happy about the work I’ve done and the beautiful blends that I’ve created. They smell wonderful and fit just right. I really like the angel ones and the ones for little ones. I like doing stuff for children, maybe because it reminds me of being a child again and I like that the things I create are from nature and best of all – help others. I worked on the blends for weeks. The harmony of Aromatherapy is such a subtle thing; you truly get better at it the more you do it. I knew that I wanted the blends to be cozy, to remind you of a flower garden outside a charming little country cottage. But I also wanted them to be natural, soothing and healing; to smell amazing, lovely and earthy. Here’s the Starry Night healing mist. It’s good for a restful night’s sleep with essences of Palmarosa, Danburite and other earthy goodness. Hubbykins especially likes this one for drifting off to Dream Land.



Now that the mists are up, albeit with plans for new, lovely creations on the way, I’ve decided that a well needed break is in order. I’ve been having fun with the new e-mailorder from Amy Karol. I made these cards using the paper cut pattern therein and they’ve gone over pretty well with the recipients. Maybe I’ll do some Star Trotting later tonight – if the clouds allow I think.


This morning was a Smoothie Morning. I know – you’re wondering what that is, aren’t you? Well a Smoothie Morning is when you wake up at your usual time, look up at the clock, roll over and snuggle back into your cozy comforter having decided that today will be one of those days when you will sleep as late as you like, roll out of bed near mid-day with the firm intention of spending the rest of the day in the sweet pursuit of doing absolutely nothing – after you make a quick smoothie for breakfast because you’re just plain not in the mood to make breakfast or rather brunch, because it is mid-morning after all. Luckily for me, my Smoothie Morning was only briefly interrupted by a warm kiss from Hubbykins before he headed off to work and this cute little face looking up at me from my side of the bed.


I spent the better part of this week in company with some new healing creations that I’m tweaking for my Etsy store, which will be re-stocked in a few days. I’m really happy with the healing mists and so far they’ve been well received. Some will still be available at Enchanted Angels but the full line and other beautiful creations will be available from the Etsy store. I love stopping by Etsy and seeing all the wonderful things that people are creating – so innovative and unique. Everyone has their own creative spirit, their own creative blueprint as I like to think about it. No two people will make the same thing in the same way and I think that’s a wonderful thing. It’s like there is room in the world for everyone and their own unique vision or blueprint that will resonate with different people.

Who knew Stargazing, could be so inspiring. It’s funny that I didn’t remember that because as child and teenager I enjoyed looking out my window and the vast blue above. ‘What are you looking at?’ my mother or someone near by would ask. It never felt as if I could have given a definitive answer, so I would reply, ‘Everything and nothing.’ The sky was another world with twinkling friends that smiled back at me and a blue moon that made my heart swell with a feeling I still cannot explain. This childhood love has returned and I’ve taken up this favourite pastime hobby-style learning more about maps and constellations. We planned to go out these last two nights but there was too much cloud cover, so hopefully will have better luck over the weekend. Here’s a picture I took of the moon some months ago:light-moon.jpg 

I really want to get the hang of this photography thing, this one I took one night on the highway, on low speed I think.  


Eeek! I can’t remember! A sad beginning do you think? Naaah, I’m getting there, in my own little way, I’m getting there. 

I am so delighted to be back at my blog again, but before I go into that let me wish you the happiest of New Years filled with wonderful dreams and hopes and accomplishments. I look back at the past year and some of it seems all fuzzy. I worked so very much and, yes, I admit it: I need to slow down. I think part of being successful is truly understanding yourself as your primary resource and understand your strengths and limitations and respecting your energy. So this year one of my resolutions (made yesterday, actually) is to use my energy more wisely. To do what I truly love, with all my heart and to take away what doesn’t fall into that category. As a healer, it always amazes me (and by amaze I mean in that, ‘I knew that but it’s wonderful to remember it every now and then,’ kinda way) that sometimes, to make something better, to heal something; sometimes we just need to clear. To clarify what we really desire and release what no longer serves us, to take away so that truth can be unearthed. 

So, what’s on your craft agenda this year? Will you be learning a new craft? Building on what you already know? Sharing your creativity with others? I really enjoyed making Christmas gifts over the holidays, especially the aprons. People really love receiving something handmade, I think because it feels as if someone cared so much to take the time to make something – just for you. Thus, I think I’ll be making more handmade gifts this year, working on my photography and reading the wonderful crafting books that I know we’ll be seeing. Hopefully I’ll have a nice book review for you soon.  

Did I tell you about my idea book? I keep clippings from magazines in it, for inspiration. Sometimes I just flip through it for the sheer joy and fun of it and as a beautiful reminder that even the smallest of things begin as just that – a simple idea.



As this year draws to a close and another draws to a close, I’d like to wish you all a merry, merry Christmas/Yule and wonderful blessings for the New Year. See you then!

I had such a lovely day on Tuesday. A little and well needed respite from all work I’ve been doing. It was sort of like a finale to it all, like when you have a party at the end of semester when all your finals are finally, finally over! For my ‘party’ me and some family went to Dolphin Cove in Ocho Rios. We saw dolphins:


Watched them frolic in the sun with their trainers:


Enjoyed the beautiful sea (including jet boat ride):


And after many pictures some good others not so good, a dolphin encounter experience, late lunch, browsing in the gift shops and watching the waves on the ocean it was time to go and leave our gentle friends behind – a wonderful day indeed.



What a week it has been. Suffice to say I’m one tired little bunny and some rest is most certainly needed. Most of my time has been spent over at Enchanted Angels, changing this, refining that… Sometimes I wonder when it will all end and things will just be as they truly need to be – sort of settling snugly into the right spot the way Chloe does when she wants to take a nap. I know it all makes sense though, that there is a wonderful plan and purpose to it all and that all I need do is sway along gently with it like a swan on gentle lake waters. Perhaps I’m feeling a little poetic I think. I know this much though: That each new thing, trial, attempt helped me in the end, because now I can say, “this is me, that is not” and so and so.

Soon to come are lovely flowers and healing creations from my little garden here at Flower Childe Cottage – those will be here for next Spring. Now is a time for going in and resting because I’ve done so much this year. Did I tell you about my angel book for the little ones? I finished it some weeks ago and soon I’ll have some cover art I think. Meanwhile I’m busy making my list and checking it maybe once because I’m rather pooped, but handmade they probably will all be. Hubbykins asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year, mostly books I told him, maybe this bag I think or perhaps that pendant. I couldn’t decide. He only smiled and said, “let’s see what I can do?” So sweet that one, so sweet…


So remember earlier this week I was yearning for something to read? Well yesterday I finally got my copy of, Last Minute Patchwork & Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson. Although I’ve been curious about quilting in the past it always seemed a little esoteric to me – the patterns, stitching bits of cloth together and such. After having a good go through of the book that has changed and I do find myself delving more and more into the world of patchwork and quilting (there’s a difference between the two.) Joelle’s book is lovely. There are clean, beautiful photographs by Anna Williams and different projects to both try and be inspired by. There’s an explanation of colour, patchwork and quilting basics, supplier list and also recommended reading. The projects in the book are divided according to time, for example, ‘2-4 Hour Gifts’. I’m quite eager to try the Bird Ornaments:


just in time for the Holidays and the Summer Breeze Quilt:


perfect for a picnic on a sunny day with a tall glass of homemade lemonade. 

What I liked a lot about the book was the organized format in which the project instructions were presented and also the interesting fabric combinations used for the projects. It helped me to explore colour in a different light, especially as it relates to print. The book features a variety of quilt projects to choose from and some fun patchwork projects such as the ornaments above, cute needle books and patchwork tablecloths and napkins. Now my copy is sitting snugly on the sofa, waiting to be leafed through again, this time with pencil and paper. I think I’ll start with the needle books first and move on to trying my hand at a quilt. Let’s see how it goes – stitch, batting and patchwork…


A few months ago I came across this really inspiring blog. I don’t remember the name of the blog but it was about a crafter sharing his/ her experience with depression and how knitting helped them to heal and recover. I think we can all remember a time in our lives when crafting was our therapy; our respite from challenges or not so pleasant experiences. Losing ourselves in stitches or scrapping or gluing and embellishing awakened something in our hearts that took us to another place within where we could explore and expand and create. That’s one of the reasons why I love reading crafty blogs. Each blog gives you a little peak into the unique world of someone else and it’s always a sweet surprise to realize that we all do have this one thing in common – that we create from the heart, to bring a little joy to others which in turn brings us more joy and delight. 

I’m getting what I affectionately call, ‘the book itch’ again. You know that feeling you get when you want a cool book to curl up with on the sofa, filled with lots of interesting and inspiring craft projects? I do have one on the way in the mail, but could it get here already! I decided to make Christmas gifts this year and I want to get along with it instead of waiting until the last minute. So far I’m one down and many to go. These lavender booties are for my little cousin.   


I think I may stick to a theme, for example vintage aprons for the women… I’m not sure yet. Meanwhile Ms. Chloë has been pretty quiet. Maybe she’s bored with her toy or grown out of the ‘puppy’ mind set, I don’t know. The other day she came back from the groomers, clean and smelling sweet but pooped! I guess looking cute and adorable does require more energy than previously imagined.  
